We are not meant to live this life alone. Let me walk with you for a season.

"There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness but of power. They are messengers of overwhelming grief and of unspeakable love."
-Washington Irving

Loss is an all too real part of life.  Whether experiencing loss due to death, divorce, a move, or even the reality that life is not what you thought it would be, loss can leave you feeling hopeless and alone in your grief.

Grief can be a lonely journey – an experience everyone shares, but that no one wants to talk about, and while everyone experiences loss, no two journeys are the same. There is not a “correct” way for you to grieve.

However, it is not healthy to grieve alone. We each need someone to be a witness to our pain, to lost dreams, to the person we loved and lost. Attempting to walk through grief alone can lead to anxiety and depression.

Knowing the loneliness and pain that comes with loss, I have dedicated my time to understanding grief and holding a space for individuals to give voice to each emotion. Coming from a place of faith and love, I strive to make authentic connections with those in pain. I work to build trust so that you feel safe to be heard and are not alone as you walk on your grief journey.

Whatever your loss, you do not have to walk this path alone. Take the first step and set up and appointment today. I am ready to walk with you.

About Jill Rinehart

I named Hope From Ashes Counseling after my own experiences with loss. Whether I am dealing with a sudden or gradual loss, I look around at my life, and for a time, all I see is ashes: ashes of the life I hoped for, of the relationship lost.

But with the proper support and a safe place to grieve, eventually hope begins to emerge from those ashes; a new life not free from grief, but with a gentler, companionable grief.

I hope to provide that support and a safe place for my clients. Through my time working at Hospice of Lubbock and the Covenant Women’s Care Center, I have been honored to bear witness to the grief of many people in many forms. Additionally, having attended extensive grief trainings, I am equipped with tools to help my clients navigate each individual grief journey, recognizing that no two paths are the same.